2X LUBRICATION: With 2x lubrication (vs ProGlide) for incredible comfort. The lubrication before & after the blades shields from irritation while you shave
PRECISION TRIMMER: On the back for hard-to-reach places and styling facial hair
All ProGlide Chill blade refills are compatible with any 5-bladed Gillette razor handles, except for those from GilletteLabs.
UP TO 1 MONTH OF SHAVES: One razor blade refill lasts up to one month of shaves
5-BLADES: 5 anti-friction blades for a close, long-lasting shave
COOLING: The blue Lubrastrip gives a cooling, refreshing sensation during your shave
2X LUBRICATION: With 2x lubrication (vs ProGlide) for incredible comfort. The lubrication before & after the blades shields from irritation while you shave
PRECISION TRIMMER: On the back for hard-to-reach places and styling facial hair
All ProGlide Chill blade refills are compatible with any 5-bladed Gillette razor handles, except for those from GilletteLabs.
UP TO 1 MONTH OF SHAVES: One razor blade refill lasts up to one month of shaves
5-BLADES: 5 anti-friction blades for a close, long-lasting shave
COOLING: The blue Lubrastrip gives a cooling, refreshing sensation during your shave